Innovation Communities

Unleashing the power of 'We'
Innovation is a widely used term in the business world. Yet, different people have different understandings what it really means in practice. This is especially true for a globally operating company like Lufthansa Group and all its subsidiaries. So we aimed at making innovation more tangible, giving it a face and deciphering its various facets so we all speak the same language and learn from one another. This was the moment our Innovation Community was born!

No matter if you are into arising trends, bold thinking, new mindsets, digital tools, innovation methods, best practices, or new ways of working – our various formats aim at unleashing the innovation mindset in each and everyone of Lufthansa Group's employees. But we didn't stop there: in parallel we launched an external community called the Innovation Circle consisting of innovators from other corporates to exchange on learnings and success stories. Onwards and upwards!
  • 1.200+ members from 18 BUs and 22 countries and 3.000+ learning hours spent
  • 5 formats for interactive exchange, knowledge exchange and innovation-centric theory-to-practice learning
  • Virtual keynotes, innovation news, collaboration and learning formats
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