
Lufthansa Innovation Hub acts within strict compliance regulations.


Comprehensive programme helps to ensure compliance

Compliance describes all measures taken to ensure the correct conduct of companies, their management and staff with respect to statutory and the Company’s own obligations and prohibitions. The Lufthansa Group Compliance Program is intended to prevent staff and the Company from coming into conflict with the law and to help them apply statutory regulations correctly.

The Compliance Program is made up of the following elements: Competition, Capital Markets, Integrity, External Workforce, Anti-Money Laundering and Embargo Compliance. A whistleblowing system gives staff the opportunity to report any suspicion of criminal activity or breaches of the compliance regulations. The Corporate Compliance Office, which reports to the Board member responsible for Human Resources and Legal, further develops the Compliance Program conceptually and provides trainings (eLearning and classroom trainings). The Organization using central and (optional) local compliance committees, as well as appointing compliance managers in the entire Lufthansa Group ensures the involvement of the responsible employees and builds awareness of the Compliance Program. The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board is notified semi-annually of incidents and progress concerning compliance in a Compliance Report.


Whistleblowing system

Human rights risks, human rights violations, the violation of environmental obligations, economic crimes and other illegal business practices are extremely damaging for those affected, the Lufthansa Group and society. Your report can help to discover risks and detect misconduct, put an end to it and prevent damage from happening.

If you have reasonable grounds to suspect that employees or executives of the Lufthansa Group, a supplier or sub-supplier are committing breaches of due diligence or compliance violations such as:

  • Human rights violations (child labour, forced labor or modern slavery, unequal opportunities, disregard of occupational health and safety obligations, violations of freedom of association, withholding of an adequate wage, etc.)
  • Violations of environmental obligations (especially in the area of hazardous waste, mercury or persistent organic pollutants)
  • Economic crimes (corruption, fraud, embezzlement, money-laundering etc.)
  • Infringements of competition, anti-trust and state aid laws
  • Insider trading or market manipulation
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Embargo or export control breaches
  • Data protection violations,

please use our electronic whistleblowing system or contact our ombudsperson. We have also set up the e-mail address humanrights(at) for tips on human rights violations or the violation of environment-related obligations.

Information on human rights risks, human rights violations or the violation of environment-related risks will be handled by the Lufthansa Group in accordance with the provisions of the Lufthansa Group’s Rules of Procedure pursuant to Section 8 of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz).

Please use our electronic whistleblowing system or contact our ombudsperson in case of reasonable suspect.


Contact details can be found here

Code of Conduct can be found here