Sustainability Digest

Market Intelligence on Sustainability
The so-called 'funding and founding radar' of the Strategic Intelligence team struck when the number of foundings and investments in travel and mobility start-ups with a sustainability focus increased. In response, the Lufthansa Innovation Hub formulated and concretized its strategic point of view on sustainability in 2018.

To date, this position has been the foundation for numerous analyses and publications, successfully spun-off and ongoing ventures, as well as numerous transformation formats (workshops, consulting projects, continuing education, etc.) within the Lufthansa Group.

In its publications on sustainability, the Strategic Intelligence Team once again implemented its principle of publishing unconventional and data-driven market analyses.

In the article 'The power of Wikipedia in predicting hype cycles', the team used the example of Sustainable Aviation Fuel to show how changes in Wikipedia entries can be interpreted as a trend indicator. In a customer survey conducted together with the startup Hopper, the team analyzed how and if customer preferences are reflected in customer behavior. The results were published in the article "Travelers don't walk the green talk - here's what to do."
  • Clear, data-driven position on sustainability
  • Numerous articles and graphics on the topic
  • Application of Gartner's Hype Cycle Framework to assess the sustainability potential of technologies
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